Author: A True Story Vocabulary

1. talented
 Define: A talented person is able to do something well.
 Example: My piano teacher is a talented musician.

2. single
 Define: A single thing means there is only one of it.
 Example: There is a single banana in the bowl.

3. proper
 Define: When something is proper, it is correct or right.
 Example: The proper punctuation for the end of a sentence is a period.

4. excitement
 Define: Excitement is a feeling of being happy because something good has happened or will happen.
 Example: The team was full of excitement before they played the game.

5. acceptance
 Define: An acceptance is an agreement or a way of saying yes to something.
 Example: His acceptance of my invitation made me feel happy.

6. useful
 Define: A useful object helps you do something.
 Example: A shopping bag is useful for carrying grocieries.