Dear Juno Vocabulary

1. crackle
 Define: When objects crackle, the make small, sharp, snapping noises.
 Example: Dry leaves crackle when I step on them.

2. announced
 Define: When something is announced, it is told to people in a loud or an official way.
 Example: They announced the opening of a new store on the radio.

3. soared
 Define: If something soared, it flew high in the air.
 Example: the plane soared into the clouds.

4. starry
 Define: When the sky is full of stars at night, it is starry.
 Example: We saw hundreds of little lights in the starry night.

5. noticed
 Define: When something is noticed, it is seen or observed.
 Example: I noticed that my neighbors are painting their house a new color.