Tales of the Trickster

1. insightful
 Define: Something that is insightful makes people think about themselves or about like in a new way.
 Example: The insightful story taught me a lesson about honesty.

2. technique
 Define: A technique is a way of doing something.
 Example: Here's my technique for studying for a spelling test.

3. majority
 Define: A majority is more than half of something that you can count.
 Example: The mayor won the election because a majority of people voted for her.

4. investigate
 Define: If you investigate something, you look into it to find more information.
 Example: Scientists investigate the planets to learn more about them.

5. cunning
 Define: A cunning person or animal is smart and good at fooling others.
 Example: Tricksters are cunning when they play tricks to get what they want.